The Year That Was 2015 | Mummy Hearts You Review


In just a matter of a few hours we will be bringing in 2016. 2015 has flown by and there has been many ups and downs and although the downs have been pretty hard going, we have had some amazing times as a family. Ive had some favourite post and some pretty raw posts and I decided to share some of my favourites with you in the mummy hearts you 2015 review. It was quite a hard task picking out of the 234 posts I had written this year! So grab yourself a tea, or hot chocolate and enjoy some of hand picked mummy hearts you favourites..

On This Day… I blogged about Mine and Mr B’s 8 years of marriage. It has flown by and I can’t believe that in a matter of weeks we will be celebrating another year..

A Mothers Worry saw me talk about my worries as H prepared for his operation. Its hard to see your baby go through something like this and it was only a few months earlier that G went for her ear operation, so my feelings were still very raw. I shouldn’t have been worried as he was a little star

The School Application Post was all about H starting school. We managed to get our first choice and he would be joining his sister. I was so worried about him being accepted for his first choice as we had only just moved and we were out of the catchment area, but luckily we got in and so far he has settled really well.

Loss saw me blog about loosing my nan. I felt a lot of guilt and it took me some time to get over the fact I wouldn’t see her again. It was a really hard time and I found it really difficult coming to terms with loosing her. Its still pains me today. Time is a great healer and it does get easier.

Induction Into Big School was definitely hard for me to blog. H took it in his stride and I was left sitting alone for the first time in 4 years. It was a huge adjustment for me and H

Summer Holiday 2015 saw us have a wonderful holiday in the Lakes. It was a lovely way to start the summer. Although it wasn’t the ideal weather for camping we all had a blast

The C Word was definitely one of my hardest posts of the year. Late summer I was diagnosed with skin cancer and it was really heard to come to terms with. This was my most views post of the year.

Ive Lost My Boy To Big School was a tough blog. I found the first few weeks of H starting school really hard and struggled as a mummy. I blogged about being a Full Time School Mum too

Lastly Bathroom Makeover was finally completed. It was a luxury compared to what we had and I am so proud of my wonderful husband fr doing it all himself!

I have big plans for 2016, in a matter of weeks I shall be taking my blog self hosted which I am really excited about. I intend to put my all into the blog this year and hopefully I can bring my readers and followers some more great blog posts.

Thank you to everyone that reads my blog, I really do appreciate every read like and comment.

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